
  • 位于加利福尼亚北部的奥克兰,是一个地处偏远的平凡小镇。不过亦如其他大城市一样,年轻躁动的青年们成为这里最不…
  • 又是一年万圣节到来,青年男女涌上街头,纵情娱乐,狂魔乱舞。妖冶女孩安吉拉(香奈儿·伊丽莎白 Shannon Eli…
  • Dead On Site is the story of a group of media arts majors who decide as a final project to take over a vac…
  • Nine vacationing twenty-somethings are hunted by an axe-wielding local legend。
  • A group of researchers conducting illegal stem cell research discover a cell anomaly that has the potentia…