
  • A veteran CIA hitman that has been receiving orders via the classified ads section of newspapers, but now …
  • When a malevolent force takes hold in the kingdoms of Agonos, a lone knight must embark on a perilous ques…
  • 该剧改编自琼·莱斯利所著小说,故事发生在1900年澳大利亚一所女子住宿学校。那时,英国的基督文化正一步步渗透进…
  • A college student, on her way home from visiting her mother, gets stuck with a group of people at a mounta…
  • 小镇上声名狼藉的脱衣舞俱乐部即将关门大吉,营业的最后一晚却变成血腥之夜!当一群遭受致命感染的顾客现身闹场,…
  • Warning for naive people!this is a very adult movie. I had caught the first one so i rented this out of cu…
  • 还是那座湖——Lake Placid…这次那些杀人鳄失踪了,却出现了一群小鳄鱼,它们以惊人的速度迅速长大,血案重现……
  • 安迪以前是一名军人,后来变成了雇佣军,在巴尔干地区军事政变后被派往拯救美国大使..... 安迪以前是一名军人,后…