An exploration of Charles Dickens unfinished work in which the mystery of the murder of Edwin Drood is examined.这是一部根据查尔斯·狄更斯的小说改编的电视剧集。狄更斯曾尝试撰写推理小说,但这本《神秘故事》尚未写完就去世了。这部电视剧集和《新编福尔摩斯》一样属于「现代改编版」,主人公John Jasper是某大教堂唱诗班的指挥,…
An exploration of Charles Dickens unfinished work in which the mystery of the murder of Edwin Drood is exa…
The lease on the Dupayne Museum is almost up and under the terms of their father's will, all three of the Dupayne children must agree to continue or the museum is to close. Neville Dupayne is dead set against continuing …
The lease on the Dupayne Museum is almost up and under the terms of their father's will, all three of the …