外科医生马丁 第四季播出信息

外科医生马丁 第四季什么时候播出(播出时间)

电视剧外科医生马丁 第四季于2009年09月20日播出

    外科医生马丁 第四季基本信息

    片名:外科医生马丁 第四季



    外科医生马丁 第四季主演


    外科医生马丁 第四季剧情简介

    Martin's fear of blood has not decreased and he almost gags when he has to remove a pencil from a schoolgirl's ear. For all this he is still interested in returning to surgery. Louisa has left town and a visit from ex-student colleague Edith, now a high flyer in private practice, helps sway him. However, when Joan's friend Barbara has an accident caused by Mrs. Tishell's husband Clive, who has gone deaf working on oil rigs, Edith wants to operate on her, but Martin overrules her, feeling, correctly, that Ba…