  • 汤米夫妇探案集

  • 主演:大卫·威廉姆斯 杰西卡·雷恩 马修・斯蒂尔
  • 状态:第6集
  • 导演:爱德华·霍尔
  • 简介:BBC于阿加莎·克里斯蒂诞辰125周年之际推出的系列剧,根据阿加莎·克里斯蒂原著改编,讲述了一对恩爱夫妻侦探搭档的故事。共六集,分为《暗藏杀机》和《桑苏西来客》两部分,由Zinnie Harris和Claire Wilson负责改编,男主角汤米由David Walliams饰演,女主角塔彭斯的扮演者为Jessica Raine。


  • 第6集剧情介绍   Still none the wiser as to the identity of Soviet agent N, Tommy and Tuppence must come up with their most ambitious and risky plan yet in order to…
  • 第5集剧情介绍 Tommy and Tuppence turn their attention to their fellow occupants of Sans Souci to find N, the probable nuclear bomb thief.
  • 第4集剧情介绍 The British Secret Service enlists Tommy and Tuppences help again to find a Soviet agent and a kidnapped scientist.
  • 第3集剧情介绍 Tommys cover is blown, and the violent criminal gang give him a job to do. Tuppence comes to his aid as they try to prevent an assassination.
  • 第2集剧情介绍 Tommy and Tuppences search for the missing Jane Finn, Browns identity and the recording gets more dangerous as they struggle to maintain their cover.
  • 第1集剧情介绍 Its 1952, and Tommy and Tuppence Beresford, an ordinary married couple, are thrust into a web of international espionage after a chance encounter on a return train from Paris.
