Deep in the heart of South Wales, in the quiet and picturesque rolling countryside known as 'The Valleys', nine youngsters dream of a life of stardom, limousines, flashing paparazzi bulbs and adoring fans. Unfortunately …
Deep in the heart of South Wales, in the quiet and picturesque rolling countryside known as 'The Valleys',…
With a successful first season, Showtime commissioned a second season, where there will be many new faces and a few recurring ones. Season 2 debuted on June 5, 2011.Showtime revealed in a sneak peek video on April 25, 20…
With a successful first season, Showtime commissioned a second season, where there will be many new faces …
Charles is a meek inventor living with his greedy nagging wife Rose. The mail brings them a misdirected box saying "Do Not Open This Box". Then the postman comes looking for it and says there will be Hell to pa…
Charles is a meek inventor living with his greedy nagging wife Rose. The mail brings them a misdirected bo…