
  • 阿墨匪,带领由他的父亲帮会的一部分,那张突袭进入美国,他爱上了一个美丽的女人,并决定离开他的犯罪生涯,安顿…
  • 一名17岁的少女在她计划自杀的当晚被绑架,她必须为活下去而战斗。她设法说服袭击者放过她,在经过26小时后等来了…
  • 90年代在阿尔及利亚,18岁的女大学生娜吉玛热衷于时尚设计,她不愿因阿尔及利亚内战而影响她的正常生活,白天是倡…
  • A late night courier boy agrees to pick up the feisty daughter of an important client. The two youngsters …
  • "为了搜集卡达贩卖毒品的证据,约翰·奎恩暗地寻访了数月。约翰的搭档汤姆被卡达抓住,约翰去营救他时,卡达…
  • A socially and politically frustrated young man with a troubled past vents his frustrations through a soci…
  • 1. The Boyz II Men Effect  2. When Country Goes Pop  3. Auto-Tune  4. Stockho…
  • To escape a serial killer, a single mom and her daughter enter witness protection, only to find their live…