
  • 生化战士面临空前危机,这次他们不仅坠入一连串阴谋与诡计的黑暗之网中,还要面对伙伴背叛的考验,而新登场的敌人更…
  • 吉姆曾经是一名士兵,战场上的残酷经历在他的内心留下了深深的阴影,退伍后,那些沾染了鲜血和暴力的回忆依然不断…
  • 散打冠军比利在比赛中误伤人致死。因为他的对手迪纳德作证,比利被关进了监狱。一年后,比利出狱,迪纳德来向他挑…
  • 第七集以超能力少女来对抗冷血杀手,到底谁胜谁负?剧情描述神经失常的冷血杀手杰逊在上一集被水晶湖底的铁练锁住…
  • Kickboxing champion B.J. is jailed for an accidental murder thanks to the testimony of his arch-nemesis De…
  • 《星际旅行: 深空九号》(Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,简称「DS9」)是第三代星际旅行系列剧集,从1993年至1…
  • A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they …
  • A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they …