
  • The adventures of three young boys, who want to capture India's most-wanted fugitive Dawood Ibrahim.
  • 一家少女收容所试图掩盖令人痛心的虐待罪行,这名步履维艰的记者锲而不舍地展开调查。
  • A lawyer battles corruption both inside and outside the courtroom.  一名律师在法庭内外与腐败作斗争。
  • 《天堂制造》记录了德里两位婚礼策划人塔拉和卡兰的生活。印度是新与旧的有力结合。一场盛大的印度婚礼揭示了许多…
  • An agoraphobic young woman, traumatized by past events, finds herself trapped and terrorized in her own ho…
  • Mahesh, a photographer, gets beaten up by a stranger when he tries to solve an issue in his village. He se…
  • 曾以《鬼摇灵》荣登上印尼影史最卖座鬼片的导演乔可安华,动作新作《闪电奇侠刚达拉》不让漫威、DC专美于前,决定…
  • 温卡哈·南奈度,幼年丧父、母亲改嫁,他和继父以及同母异父弟弟难以相处,愤而离家。儿时一身反骨,特别崇拜《复…