
  • When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim…
  • 当考古学家西格德对北欧神话的世界末日无法释怀的时候,他毅然决定与他两位同事带着自己的两个小孩开始了探索旅程…
  • In an uncharted future, two hardened souls meet and confront each other with the things they have done and…
  • 《凶机恶煞》是编剧兼导演巴巴克·安瓦里继 2016 年的获奖处女作《阴影之下》之后推出的一部探询式惊悚片。在新片…
  • 女主角为了要迎接远道而来的男友而在豪雨中出了家门。就当女主角接到男友时,没想到在镇上因为高压电的关系而巨大…
  • 萨玛拉·维文([辣手保姆])、卡莉·查肯(《黑客军团》)加盟黑色惊悚片[最后的清晰时刻](Last Moment of C…
  • Sarah, a struggling young woman living in Brooklyn, agrees to volunteer as an experimental subject for a p…
  • A woman's sanity comes into question, after she claims to have witnessed a murder from her apartment windo…