
  • Vera and Bruno used to be a couple, but haven't seen one another since they separated. He coincidentally a…
  • Vincent和Antoine都是狂热的乐迷,两人靠到处做工地秀苦苦支撑着一个小小的演艺公司。眼看生计难以为继,Vinc…
  • Emilia, 17, arrives at her Aunt Ines' hostel at the border between Argentina and Brazil, looking for her l…
  • 影片主角是艾薇的妹妹凡欧莉(洁米普莱丝莉饰),心怀不轨的她,前去拜访好朋友乔丝的家,为了报复11年前的一次背…
  • A young boy has to deal with increasing family and school pressures as his mother's disease worsens.
  • 蒂亚戈(法布里齐奥·本蒂沃利奥 Fabrizio Bentivoglio 饰)在电台勤勤恳恳工作了一辈子,如今却因为电台想要引进…
  • 一位神秘的大善人(又名“神秘慈善家”)将十万美元现金随机放在多处纽约人家的门廊上。纽约市电视新闻记者凯特·…
  • 影片以两个年轻人长途跋涉为主要剧情,是典型的公路片模式,由此串起了嬉皮文化的各个方面,如吸毒、幻觉、墓园跳…