30 years after rising to fame with Knight Rider and Baywatch the series follows The Hoff as he moves to the UK to get his career back on track and make sense of his increasingly surreal life.
30 years after rising to fame with Knight Rider and Baywatch the series follows The Hoff as he moves to th…
One of the most popular TV miniseries in its home country, The Meeting Place Cant Be Changed is a police procedural set in post-World War II Moscow. Vladimir Sharapov (Vladimir Konkin), Recently discharged from the Red A…
One of the most popular TV miniseries in its home country, The Meeting Place Cant Be Changed is a police p…
Pacific Overtures is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, a libretto by John Weidman, and additional material by Hugh Wheeler. The musical is set in 1853 Japan and follows the difficult Westernization of …
Pacific Overtures is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, a libretto by John Weidman, and …