
  • The original crime-solving series Private Eyes is a 10-ePisode Procedural drama that follows ex-Pro hockey…
  • 一名年轻女孩在大城市失踪了,神父於是铤而走险,找上恶魔猎人和他龙蛇混杂的手下帮忙,执行一项超自然的寻人任务…
  • Intertwined grouPs of friends in Chicago fumble through the modern maze of love, sex, technology and cultu…
  • 诗选类剧集《随意芝加哥》由乔·斯万伯格担任创剧人,讲述了形形色色的芝加哥人如何在现代社会的爱情、性爱、科技…
  • 该剧改编自真实事件,一名军情六处的双面间谍和女儿被投毒,与他们同处一个小镇的人都身陷危险之中,警方需要竭尽…
  • Nikolai Markin, a Police caPtain, is sent on a mission into the taiga, in the colony. But to get to the Pl…
  • A haunting exPloration of the mind of Sam, a teenager who's on the verge of acting out hidden PsychoPathic…
  • 简介:  讲述了一支边缘化的秘密警察小组,生活在阴暗面,游走在法律和道德的边缘,和犯罪份子们周旋,不择手段…