
  • In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the…
  • 午夜凌晨,警长詹姆斯?海斯被呼叫至当地的墓园,突然眼前发生的一切彻底颠覆了他的世界观,六个死去的人赤裸着身…
  • It is the year 2105... a young, inexperienced and highly flawed crew embarks on a routine exploratory spac…
  • Feral weaves a tale of survival as a group of 20-somethings learn about love, loss and friendship while li…
  • 故事描述David Collier(Lee Ingleby)生活在恶梦中。他被指控谋杀了妻子Tara,已经在监狱里关了7年。他失去了自…
  • 《未来全明星 All American》(前名《Spencer》)根据现实美式足球员Spencer Paysinger的生活改篇,这部A…
  • Christian Serratos会在《莎丽娜 Selena: The Series》一剧中饰演墨西哥裔已故歌手Selena Quintan…
  • 由顶级明星Rain(本名郑智薰)和李娜英首度联手的KBS2新剧《逃亡者》日前正式开机。电视剧《逃亡者》是一部集浪漫、…