
  • 好搭档西蒙·佩吉和尼克·弗罗斯特又合作推新作了,这次将通过两人的厂牌Stolen Picture制作一部超自然题材的恐怖…
  • 莉莉·沃卓斯基共同编剧与执导了剧集《进行中》(Work in Progress,暂译)。剧集先导集由艾比·麦克塞纳尼和蒂姆·…
  • Wray Nerely is a struggling actor who starred as a spaceship pilot on SpectruM, a cult classic science fic…
  • Six Month after the first season concluded, the Russian occupation still holds Norway in a firM grip. In t…
  • In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the…
  • BBC One剧《世界战火 World On Fire》是部多元化定位的剧集,会以各方平民百姓的视线来看待第二次世界大战。首季…
  • Channel 4的5集剧《这是罪》讲述80年代时三个男孩Ritchie(Olly Alexander饰)﹑Roscoe及Colin的故事…
  • 卡比尔·阿南德来到偏远的潘契加尼山区,作为莎士比亚研究教授开始新生活,这时一通来自印度总理办公室(PMO)的…