
  • 故事讲述两派来到地球后,因为发生了一些“事件”,导致双方外形大变(也解释了两系列风格不同的原因)。也由于这…
  • 故事讲述两派来到地球后,因为发生了一些“事件”,导致双方外形大变(也解释了两系列风格不同的原因)。也由于这…
  • 被授予勋章的退伍军人和创伤后应激障碍患者杰森·希尔(杰森·希尔饰)与妻子珍妮弗在退伍军人事务医院共进午餐。…
  • Successville is a surreal place with a high celebrity hoMicide count. DI Sleet enlists the help of a genui…
  • Two strangers feel a supernatural connection after being involved in the saMe accident.
  • based on a script by Bornedal, Shadows in My Eyes (Skyggen i Mit ?je) will focus on the boMbing of the Ges…
  • SoMewhere in Berlin. But not just any tiMe, this is here and now. A postMan delivers a parcel and, soon af…
  • 灵异妙探(Psych)是一部美国侦探/罪案题材的喜剧,讲述一个年轻的警署顾问Shawn,有敏锐的观察力和缜密的推理能力…