
  • The Doll is an adaptation of the novel, The Doll (novel) by Bolesław Prus, which is regarded by many as on…
  • 有人戏称这部电影是“四个男人的一台戏”。  影片中基本没有特别引人的情节,没有激烈的动作打斗场面,甚至没有…
  • 喜爱美食的anya这次踢到了铁板,热衷于维护体态的男友抛下了她,投向了纤细女子的怀抱。痛定思痛的她向最好的朋友…
  • Bipedalism, or 'two-footed walking', is the story of a painter who grew up in an orphanage and only years …
  • 影片部分根据18世纪亚美尼亚诗人Savat Nova的生平拍摄,但更多地是以诗句代替了诗人的形象。全片几乎没有对白,主…
  • The Seventh Companion (Russian Седьмой спутник, translit. Sedmoy Sputnik…
  • Mr. Sugar Daddy depicts the story of a man looking for a fresh start. Hans falls for young Andrej and is t…
  • A suicidal alcoholic’s last day teems with images of anxiety and Kafkaesque par…