
  • 1987年,CarlMerryweather满10岁才没几天,便登上了当地的新闻,因为他声称有外星生物来拜放他。尽管有其他人的说…
  • 导演IG @poj_arnon
  • At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment b…
  • Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they su…
  • 12岁的艾玛所居住的小镇正想方设法要将镇上的狗捉光为了与禁狗令作斗争,艾玛必须在圣诞节庆典上,用各种各样的狗…
  • Yamakasi是由七个年轻人组成的. 他们每个人都有一项特异能力:冲刺的速度如火箭一样快、臂力惊人、身体如橡皮筋一…
  • 雷·门罗(萨姆·沃辛顿饰)是一个好心但不堪重负的居家男人。在与岳父岳母度过一个紧张的假日周末后,雷带着妻子…
  • Bordering on Bad Behavior is a politically incorrect comedy that entertains and enthralls the viewer into …