
  • Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site of their band-mate's suicide. One sinks i…
  • The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in the woods. However, when the killer acciden…
  • Follows Toni's journey from seeking boxing training from Elliott, a gym owner, to becoming a pioneering fe…
  • “一部下流、血腥的杀人狂电影”。  该片由“毁童年恐怖电影”专业户ITN出品,但故事不是设定在他们的恐怖片宇…
  • A lone man with the Christmas Spirit trapped in his head must kidnap a teenage girl in order to save Chris…
  • When a down-on-her luck video editor takes on a mysterious, well-paying job cutting snuff films, she is ha…
  • 退休教授查尔斯在妻子离世、无所事事的一年后,应征了私家侦探朱莉的线人广告,潜入三藩市一家养老院秘密调查一起…
  • yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>本片改编自民间传说,几个世纪以来,在不同的文化背景下,父母都会警告他们的孩子…