
  • Five housewives who run a high stakes secret cartel in which style, ambition, love, friendship and betraya…
  • Veer Khurana and Koyal Chadda are a mismatched couple, who get into an arranged marriage. A case of mistak…
  • 一夜狂欢过后,女孩戴着面具从派对返家,却撞见躺在地上一命呜呼的舅舅。迟迟等不到父亲危机处理,还遇上表姊妹酒…
  • 在神秘旅客的勒索之下,年轻的运输安全管理局员工让一个危险的包裹登上了平安夜的航班,他必须与这个神秘人斗智斗…
  • At a quiet motel, a rising star in the film industry must confront her past as she navigates her flourishi…
  • 十年前的一场黄金大劫案后,由五兄妹组成的盗窃团伙金盆洗手,各自回归平静生活。然而,一场突如其来的阴谋将他们…
  • 背景设定在一个充斥着丧尸的世界里,但这个世界的丧尸有点不同——它们不吃人,也因此被称为非食人型丧尸。在故事…
  • Rahul's parents have discovered that their new tenant, Pankaj, is from a lower caste and want him to leave…