
  • 本剧改编自真人真事,故事聚焦于印度贾坎德邦詹塔拉市层出不穷的网路钓鱼事件。一群当地年轻人利用电话诈骗,受害…
  • 电影讲述了一个印度内阁秘书处研究分析室的特工在与时间赛跑中,为她的国家执行一项坚定而无畏的任务,而牺牲是她…
  • 一个6岁的孩子被一个神秘的蒙面男子绑架,他要求一笔不寻常的赎金。为了救他的女儿,阿维纳什·萨布哈瓦尔博士必…
  • The film, Silent Heroes, is based on the story of 13 real deaf children who through mountaineering want to…
  • Inspector Joshi is a grieving father searching for his daughter Aruna, kidnapped years ago when she was si…
  • A comedy centered around three people who each have a lookalike of a lookalike, all with the same name.