
  • An altercation between a group of girls out for the night and a gang of local punks leaves the punks vowin…
  • This powerful western starring Peter Facinelli (Twilight franchise) shows what happens when you push a goo…
  • A workman is accidentally sent into outer space, where he meets an alien that can make himself invisible. …
  • 一班自命不凡、高人一等的狐朋狗友,相约星期三晚举行“白痴晚宴”。规则非常简单,即是各人只须携一名“白痴之最…
  • 麦克纳马拉(詹姆斯·贾克内 James Cagney 饰)是可口可乐公司西德分部的总经理,长久以来,他默默地为公司辛勤工…
  • 臭名昭著的 51 区爆发了一场疫情,将一群幸存者带到了地下掩体……只是为了了解……他们并不孤单。
  • Upon arrival to Venus, cosmonauts find furious volcanoes and sundry prehistoric beasts in Klushantev's fil…
  • 'The Chariot' tells the story of a corporation and doctor (John Malkovich) that oversees the process of re…