
  • A fame obsessed average Joe escapes a mental institution with a band of misfits for one last Desperate att…
  • 1987年波兰和苏联合拍的恐怖科幻片。现在看来这仍然是一部节奏紧凑的片子。随剧情发展,影片把人从现实世界一点点…
  • Two best friends make the best of going to high school by dreaming up fashion magazine photo shoots, and b…
  • You are never fully liberated from Auschwitz, 11 July 2016  Author: Red-125 from Upstate New York  The Fre…
  • 一支电视台的摄制组正在调查拍摄一个传说中的恐怖禁地,在那里,他们发现一具恶魔的尸体。无意间,他们将恶魔复活…
  • A tender, melancholic night is experienced through the eyes of three women as they struggle to find themse…
  • Two brothers Carmelo and Gino (Girgenti and Webber) are raised by their mob boss grandfather Salvatore Gia…
  • 一名有权势的女商人与地下世界的交集威胁到她的政治抱负,随之而来的权力斗争可能让她付出一切代价。