
  • 第二次世界大战期间,纳粹德国为了阻止同盟国在欧洲登陆,进而向美国发动进攻,在格拉斯木钦建立了一座秘密兵工厂…
  •   本片讲述挪威作曲家格里格的早年生活。格里格一生的创作实践,始终坚持了爱国主义的艺术理想,为挪威民族音乐…
  • 本片讲述一位曾精神受创的女子莫莉,在接受了一年多的治疗后终于出院了。为了开始新的生活,她搬到了新的公寓里。…
  • A group of four friends follow their dreams after graduating from college together.
  • Amalie's dance crew advances to the global finals in France. Torn between the love of Mikael, the longing …
  • Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn are back at it in this global fashion competition series, where established design…
  • 职业罪犯小吉尔伯特·加尔文(杜哈明饰)从美国监狱逃出并越过边境进入加拿大,在加拿大,他化名为罗伯特·怀特曼,…
  • Alain and Marie moved to the suburb house of their dreams. But the real estate agent warned them : what is…