
  • 以成为偶像为目标的女高中生东优羽,她在学校为自己定了四项规则——“不要使用社群网站”、“不交男朋友”、“在…
  • 2017年,建筑师Shriya违反了她的父母的愿望,和她的爱人Karan秘密签订了婚约。但是她很快发现了Karan的出轨,…
  • Star Hunter Entertainment 2023-2024企划三个新项目之一,演员招募中。  小说 ?????????? 作者A…
  • After her brother left home, Tari struggled alone to save her mother from her abusive father. Tari, who ha…
  • Five housewives who run a high stakes secret cartel in which style, ambition, love, friendship and betrAya
  • 生活一团糟的单亲妈妈艾米莉陷入低谷,于是向哥哥寻求帮助。后者有一个非常棒的计划:参加越野滑雪马拉松
  • Adapted from Culpables Series by Mercedes Ron. A different version from the original Culpa mía.  An 18-yea…
  • A reclusive Aghori, who has a rare human condition goes into uncharted territory to find a cure to it.