An investigative series that pairs Steve DiSchiavi, a retired Homicide Detective with the New York City Police Department with more than 21 years of active service with psychic communicator Amy Allan who has an establish…
An investigative series that pairs Steve DiSchiavi, a retired Homicide Detective with the New York City Po…
This documentary takes the viewer on a journey through the secret codes, architecture and symbols in Dan Brown's novel The Lost Symbol. Also examined are secret societies and new science describing what's myth and what's…
This documentary takes the viewer on a journey through the secret codes, architecture and symbols in Dan B…
Une succession vertigineuse d'images de Maria CAllas, sur scène, pour la presse ou en privé, montées avec le texte d'une critique de l'opéra Lucia di Lammermoor, a…
Une succession vertigineuse d'images de Maria CAllas, sur scène, pour la presse ou en privé, montées avec …
In this slice-of-life anthology, the experiences of four contemporary Bolivians are chronicled. In one of the four episodes, a boy has been given into the care of an old woman for her to use as an assistant at the food m…
In this slice-of-life anthology, the experiences of four contemporary Bolivians are chronicled. In one of …